TRUTH #1: Men Don't Need To Chase
It's been said many times by many people that men need to be made to chase a woman in order to want her and commit wholeheartedly. Not true. In fact, this is plain wrong. Rather than wanting to "chase" a woman, men are humans first.
Which means... They want and need to feel a deep, emotional level of attraction for a woman if they are going to be moved to want bigger and better things with you in their life. That everyday "Physical Attraction" a man can feel for any cute woman who walks by is not enough, and will never be enough to make him want something more than a casual fling.
Long story short -
Men can and will want to get close to you even if they just feel this Physical Attraction for you - and you'll likely have a hard time figuring out if they are or aren't feeling that deeper and more intense and lasting Emotional Attraction. Not to mention, a man will get easily "bored" with you and be lazy about a relationship or any kind of commitment if he's not feeling this Emotional Attraction for you. So what is Emotional Attraction?
Emotional attraction goes way beyond what a woman looks like, what she says or how successful she is. If a man senses that a woman knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it, and that she has certain "standards" of what she will or won't put up with from a man, then he will feel incredibly drawn to her. It has nothing to do with playing GAMES or pretending to be "hard to get." If you think that men just want to "chase" a woman and that acting or being "unavailable" is a turn-on for him, then I have to tell you right now, you're not going to get far with a man.
What works to keeping a man interested in you date after date, week after week, is something magical that can only happen if he's feeling emotional attraction for you.
TRUTH #2: Men Feel Emotions Just Like Women
Believe it not, men are pretty sensitive. It's just how they handle what they feel that makes them hard to connect with about it, and hard to understand - Unless you know what's going on with how men handle these things in the first place. Men have a hard time dealing with strong emotions from women.
So you a recent groundbreaking study of how couples interact when in conflict, it was discovered that men often LOOK detached or withdrawn because they feel intensely STRESSED by the argument. It's not that they're more "in control." On the contrary - they feel LESS in control. So they withdraw in order to try and cope. Fascinating.
One of the things men often say to women when there's a conflict or tension in the relationship is, "why are you being so dramatic?" Annoying, right? That's his way of saying, "This is getting too intense and I don't know how to handle it."
You have the power to bring him closer, even when you have something you need to express that isn't light or cheerful. There are certain ways to bring up difficult subjects to a man that ENGAGE him and make him want to do everything in his power to make you feel loved, safe and comfortable. Does it seem like an impossible feat? It's not.
TRUTH #3: Men Want Relationships
Men want to be in a relationship, and they have a strong desire to feel recognized as a great partner by their women. Have you ever accused a man of being "not ready" for a relationship?
Here's a mind-blowing statistic:
- WOMEN (not men) break off relationships or file for divorce 70% of the time. That means that women are the ones initiating the end of a relationship much more often than men.
If that surprises you, you may also be surprised to know that a man enjoys being in committed, loving relationships as much as a woman does. AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T FEEL HARD TO HIM.
If you give a man the impression that he can't please you no matter WHAT he does, or that everything he does is pointless because he can't do ANYTHING right, then guess what? He's going to wonder if he's the right partner for you, and he's going to begin to doubt whether or not he should even continue the relationship.
Maybe you're saying, "but I don't do that!" It's true. You may not even be aware that you're doing this. But there are certain words and phrases that communicate this to a man whether you're aware of it or not.
Instead, when you show a man that you trust him to be a good partner to you, you will actually inspire him and trigger his devotion and attraction for you.
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