
The Personality Test - Symbol Test

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This one is quite unique. I have not come across this one yet. Thus, I try for myself and it is quite interesting. Have a try. Your personality might not be as described by the test. But sometime, it does show one side of your unknown unique character. Have a try, it won't cost you anything! Choose the symbol that you like best and then the one that you like second best. Don't allow any intellectualization about it, just make a quick and simple choice. Afterwards read the analysis and explanations.

After you have made your choice, check out for the answer in the answer section.


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Ms. Anne Ai ling Mustapha
Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A 26 years old university-graduated and simple young lady, who lives her daily life and feeds her soul by blogging about information. Comes from a mixed parental background of Thai Chinese from her mother's side, and Malay Java from her father's descendants. The only children of her parents.
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